Below are examples of students’ final research posters for courses such as Introduction to Archaeological Laboratory Sciences, in which students conduct an independent research project and present their findings via a conference-style poster and talk.
Developing a field guide to Bronze Age beads from Mongolia
Understanding the green glazed ceramics of Dura Europos
Predicting group assignment of Mexican clay ear plugs
Stained glass windows at Yale's Hall of Graduate Studies
Understanding Roman imperial economic decline with pXRF
Re-evaluating Near Eatern Neolithicization through multi-sited obsidian sourcing
Classifying Catfish Cave sherds using pXRF analysis
On the Hunt for Hemozoin: Applications of X-Ray Fluorescence
Experimental Methods and pXRF Parameters in Pigment Identification
The Hunt for Hemozoin: FTIR-ATR Analysis
Within the Mangrove Swamp: Geochemically Sourcing the Obsidian of Salinas La Blanca, Guatemala
Chavín and Chawin: Archaeomagnetism at Chawin Punta
Does Potter Paste Chemistry Support Pottery Groupings Based on Traditional Methods of Ceramic Analysis in South Central Africa?
The Hunt Continues: Exploring Magnetometry to Identify Malaria in Human Skeletal Remains
Measuring Geochemical Variability of Ceramics